It usually begins with that small voice deep inside when something ignites us and we feel a real passion for something. It takes time to form. Be patient.
Ask yourself “What am I good at ?”
These may be the things you have been good at all your life and people sought you out for that . Or it may be something more recently discovered. These are your innate gifts and talents you were born with ….but didn’t always recognize.
What can I contribute ?
There are so many problems, challenges and unmet needs in the world to be solved or filled. When you get clear about the value you have to bring and learn how to communicate clearly, others will appreciate you more and seek you out.
What do I care most about ?
What lights a fire in you ? We are all set alight by something different ,so find what really brings you joy as you serve others.
For me Deep Insight Life Coaching is my passion and Joy. But to come to this it has been a wonderful journey.
If you would like some help discovering your LIFE PURPOSE. DM me .
Light and love
Janelle xx
